Giant (1956, Rating: PG, Director: George Stevens) (My Rating: 5/5) Giant is about a Texas couple, Jordan (Rock Hudson) and Leslie (Elizabeth Taylor), and their family over many years. James Dean plays Jet, a man who works for Jordan, and is in love with Leslie. This is an amazing movie with great performances by Elizabeth Taylor, James Dean, and Rock Hudson.

Young Adult (2011, Rating: R, Director: Jason Reitman) (My Rating: 4/5) Young Adult is an author of young adult books named Mavis (Charlize Theron), who goes back to her hometown after she gets an invitation to a baby shower thrown by her old high school boyfriend, Buddy (Patrick Wilson) and his wife.This is a really good movie with an awesome performance by Charlize Theron, and an excellent screenplay by Diablo Cody.

Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close (2011, Rating: PG-13, Director: Stephen Daldry) (My Rating: 4/5) Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close is about a nine-year-old boy named Oskar (Thomas Horn) who loses his father in the September 11th terrorist attacks. Oskar's dad used to make up scavenger hunt games for him, designed to help Oskar with talking to people. After his dad's death, Oskar finds a key in an envelope with the name "Black" written on it, and thinks it is a special mission from his dad to find out who the key belongs to. I was surprised at how great this movie was, and how well it was written. Thomas Horn, who had never acted before, was very good as Oskar.
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